
Monday, April 20, 2015


UFC Hall of Famer Mark "The Hammer" Coleman currently needs the support of fight fans around the world. After a hip replacement in 2013 that wasn't properly healed, he was taken to the hospital where a doctor checked him out. He had to stay four days on antibiotics. After his release, he went to see the hip doctor again and scheduled to have a surgery only to discover he was full of infection and very close to being septic. He is currently hospitalized with a plastic hip until full surgery can be performed in April.
Mark currently has no income and his insurance is about to expire. His friend Wes Sims started a GoFundMe page looking to raise funds to help his medical expenses. The funds raised are going to go to paying hospital bills, procedures, rehab, medicine, and any other medical needs that Mark may require.
As a long time fan of the sport its sad to see an MMA legend in this position after all the years of entertainment he's provided. Hopefully we can all pull together and help Mark out on this fight. If you would like to help Mark out please visit his GoFundMe page HERE. Thank you!